
  • The End

    Why must Snape be in love? SnapexTonks, and it's not as angsty as the title implies.

  • Antiarry

    What happens when you put Harry Potter characters into the play Antigone? HILARIOUS! And just from the play: angst, romance, character death, slight humor. Promise this is really good though!

  • Fall to Pieces and Then Burn

    Remus is cleaning out the flat he had shared with Sirius, and he listens to something that stirs his poor confused little self up. SBRL (1981) includes a time hole, thus something from the future to them, so very obviously an AU slightly

  • Part 2: All Down to Hermione

    Part II in the "Ignorang Life" series. This is the next part, follows Part I: Ignorance.

  • Part 1: Ignorance

    (Part I of the "Ignorant Life" series)It's the summer after fifth year, and Hermione feels totally and completely ignored by, guess who, ::GASP:: Ron. She's writing down her thoughts about him when she gets a little surprise...

  • A Droplet of Light through the Veil

    This story mostly takes place in Lupin's head. It's after what happened to Sirius in the Department of Mysteries. Experiance the feelings, memories, thoughts, and a little surprise he goes through. OotP spoilers, much better than it sounds! ENJOY!