

  • Waiting like a madman

    His face changed imperceptibly then, but she was so used to reading him that she noticed. He was bit tired tonight, she thought. The slope of his shoulders, the waning strength of his imperviousness… "I haven't left her alone. I've been here, waiting like a madman. Like a fool," he said. AU oneshot based on Love in Tokyo and anime.

  • Co-operation

    The Ministry has struck with another incompetent decree, and this time it's up to Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy to unite the Houses, thwart the bureacracy, and uphold the precious freedom they fought a war for.

  • Bittersweet Victory

    One Shot: 'He hadn't been worthy of a single ounce of her love, he who had ignored and desecrated her.' When Harry Potter first received Slytherin Ice Queen Ginevra Weasley's diary, he was in for the shock of his life. AU after first year.

  • A Revelation on Love

    'Damn it all! I'm late for Charms again' And thus starts Marlene's acute observations of one Lily Evans and her relationship - or lack thereof - with James Potter. 'I think I might be in love'. Poor Lily!