
gift of the gabz

  • From Idol to Brother

    If only Merritt and Henley knew how far back Jack's idolising of Daniel went. Oneshot.

  • Defying the Reid Effect

    He'd faced down his own personal demons and many hardened criminals before. So why did he feel so terrified? It was just babysitting. Oneshot.

  • PB&J is perfect

    A bunch of Arrow/Flash oneshots that can be taken as connected or separate. 1. Barry walks into his office feeling pretty down, an unknown person in his chair has the ability to turn that all around. 2. "We could be heroes"

  • Man Flu

    "I think I'm dying" "Of what?" "Man-flu."

  • Reassured

    "You know JJ and I trust you completely. Never think otherwise. And if you do doubt that, just come and find me and I'll remind you of this conversation." Set after 9x16 Gabby.