Kyle Saxon

  • The Clever Farmer and the Extravagant Tsar(RoChu) (English)

    Tsar Ivan Braginski, is a flamboyant monarch who offers challenges people to sneer at them.Yao Wang, a clever farmer will succeed in solving the puzzles,suprising the Tsar who won t have more options than give to the farmer his Crown.

  • Je n ai jamais compris l amour (Translated into English)

    In a timeless, grey and dirty Paris, Francis Bonnefoy remembers Joan of Arc when suddenly, a florist woman come close to the Frenchman, offering him a bouquet of lilies. He realizes that she is the spitting image of his beloved

  • Siseo en la Oscuridad (Tom Ryddle)

    Esta es la historia de Mina Vans, una joven huérfana que, internada desde bebé en un orfanato, entabla amistad con un joven solitario y misterioso. Lo que no sabe es que en el futuro, aquel chico extraño se convertirá en el señor Tenebroso; el mago más oscuro de todos los tiempos.