
  • The Afterglow

    "Eddie, what if this is our second chance? I know we didn't die that night but doesn't it feel like some sort of sign? We both dreamt of our deaths, right? It felt so real we might as well have actually died but we didn't!" "What if… what if something new came out of it? Something new…in me." She carefully places his hand over her stomach.

  • Vampires Will Never Hurt You

    Eddie Munson is dead; should be dead but he's not. He's wrapped around her, pressing soft kisses into her hair, her face and down her neck. Or: Eddie is a vampire/Kas and Chrissy offers him her blood.

  • Free to be me

    Severl years after Deathly Hallows, it is FINALLY little Lily Potters turn to go vists Hogwarts. She finds someone who is related to Tom Riddle, and THINKS his reason in life is to become bigger than Voldy. Follow along as a malfoy and potter change that.