Sailor Sol

  • Without Happiness

    Remus centric, PoA. 'We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness. By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness.'David Weatherford

  • Foundations

    James and Sirius hate each other, Remus is trying to keep his secret, Peter is lonely, and Lily and Severus vow to be friends forever. First year for the six children who would go on to change the world. This is where it all began.

  • Promises Betrayed

    Peter Pettigrew's story of why he joined the Death Eaters, betraying his three best friends and the promises they made. Takes place in Robin's Unbroken Universe, though could be viewed as mostly canon compliant.

  • Promises Forged

    They had faced the Dark wizard Ahriman together, just the two of them… And won. A story of Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin, based on a line from a story by Robin4. Some mild language and violencegore. Please read and review!

  • Like a Phoenix

    Everyone thought he was gone, but like a phoenix, a new life was formed from the ashes of the old. *Chapter 20!!!* The end!!!! This story is now *COMPLETE*!!!!This is a future fic w/ a twist (I hope!). Please R/R!!

  • Thank You

    Someone sends Harry a note thanking him for a good deed. Takes place after the Third Task in GoF. Please RR!