

  • I Remember

    Draco Malfoy remembers every encounter he's had with Harry Potter, and every emotion that's come with it. Slash, oneshot Pre HBP

  • What Women Want

    An accident in potions causes something very peculiar to happen to Harry. Everywhere he goes he can hear what women think. When he finds something out about one of his best friends how will he react? And how will he help?

  • The Crimes of the Mind

    Harry, and Ron tell Hermione to show up outside an unused class room, but when she shows up early will she get the surprise of her life? Or will her dirty mind get the best of her? First attempt at humor

  • A New Beginning

    Gregory Goyle is tired of being the one no one really knows. So he decides to do something about it. With the help of an unsupected friend can he turn the tables, and become what he's always wanted?

  • Mon opposé

    Snape has always been known a someone who was heartless. But, when a tradgedy brings someone new into his life, will he push past the barriers and discriminations about himself? SnapeOC

  • An Isosceles Triangle

    Hermione and Harry have a thing for each other. But Harry doesn't belive himself, so he instead asks Cho out to prove this wrong. And it has someinteresting effects. Bad summary, I know. Just try it, you never know, you may like it. Reviews appreciated.

  • A Love Triangle Or Maybe It's A Love Square Or

    Harry and Hermione have feelings for each other, but neither has the heart to tell each other.So they date other people.All seems well at 1st.But what happens when everyones not as good as they seem?Who are the red-headed people who are non-magic?R&R!

  • The Plan That Failed?

    When Harry and Hermione make the plan they are sure it will get Ron to notice Hermione, but what happens when it backfires and Harry falls for her? Chap 4 up!

  • Song Fic DracoHermione

    Okay I know lots of people dont like Britany Spears but this song was sweet and perfect.The song is 'Dear Diary' and not well known.PLZ read and review my 1st on fanfiction.net