
  • Listen To Your Heart

    When you love someone and think that they don't notice you; what are you suppose to do? You listen to your heart. but what if you a bookworm who listens to their brain before their heart. Follow Hermione in this one-shot to find her one love. FirstVersion

  • Don't Say A Word

    When Harry comes back from his fifth year, despite warnings from the Order, Vernon abuses Harry and locks him into the attic. When he is finally rescued, he finds he has became mute from the shock of what happened. He closes up to almost everyone near him

  • Harry Potter and the Hidden Heir

    Follow Harry and his Friends through a year of surprises and love. Discover who the hidden heir is and what Voldemort plans on doing about it. Also learn of secrets hidden away from Harry and others. Find out the true power to defeat Voldemort. Revised