
rage beat

  • Seeds

    everything begins and ends in nothingness and nonexistance

  • Sanctuary

    angels have their own paradise; while the demons fear no rest. melody of the moon, crimson lullaby.

  • The Lullaby

    a suicide, two rings, silver hair, one word, "Die."

  • Red Herrings

    we are what they believe, but we aren't what they think. in the end, we don't even know who we are ourselves; but images sent back from the screen

  • His Box, His World

    'Ron and Hermione had tried to get “the old Harry back”; he was Harry, just a bit older and a bit more insane, but still Harry.'

  • Your Stitches

    harry and draco together. one shot thing, warning for drug use and eclipt stuff, this has no happy ending. i was contemplating life while i wrote this.

  • Fugue

    harry is in a world, his fantasy, his life; his destruction, his forgotten martyr world, he is pure, pure harry

  • The Scientist

    split into two, two-halves can't live life the same, can't dream without the one within. harry knows nothing every will be the same when both join together.

  • Sweet Prince

    harry saw through what he was; they never realized he couldn't go any higher; ended up painted

  • Pucker Up

    harry is being observed by someone; he represses himself into belief; he becomes the truth

  • Claustrophobia

    harry's not the same, just happens to be a rather bad day. music story based on the lyrics from Chevelle.warnings: if you do not like death. don't read.