
  • Rescue Mission

    [Transcendence AU] Some demon slayers make several mistakes, starting with "picking a fight with the one benevolent demon in the Eastern United States" and "pissing off Alcor the Dreambender", and descending from there. (Or: a not-so-longfic slowly emerges from WIP hell.)

  • Homestuck Filk

    I enjoy writing song lyrics, even for songs that don't actually exist. Most of these songs tend to be fanfiction. So... Homestuck song lyrics. May be updated from time to time with new songs. Rated T because Homestuck. Also Dave.

  • Go Fish

    Four bugs, for a varying range of values for 'bugs', are stuck in a room together. Entertainment has to be had somehow. [Or, a Sealed Siblings ending crackfic written for WDLF7.]

  • then again

    Beyond world's edge, long after the dust and rubble has settled, a second chance appears. (Originally written for WDLF6.)

  • familiar (staring up at the ceiling)

    (Originally written for WDLF6.) The beginnings of a time-travel fixit, featuring Ghost as a time traveler dropped into the past without much more than the cloak on their back, Greenpath Vessel as baby, Lost Kin as prescient and lowkey filled with rage, a random shade somehow tagging along, and the Hollow Knight as Knight Mostly Not Appearing In This Fic.