
  • Clyde's Sick Fantasy

    This one is a rewrite of The Hobbit from S17. I thought the original was pretty disjointed with a pretty cruel ending and jokes got pretty flat later on. This was harder to write than Pajama Day as I had to drastically change certain elements of the plot.

  • South Park - Clyde's Sick Fantasy

    This one is a rewrite of The Hobbit from S17. I thought the original was pretty disjointed with a pretty cruel ending and jokes got pretty flat later on. This was harder to write than Pajama Day as I had to drastically change certain elements of the plot to keep the central character consistent.

  • Pajama Day: Rewritten

    This is meant to be a rewrite of the S25 episode of the same name with the aim to make it more S1-4 esque. The inspiration came from when me and my dad were rewatching that episode and he said that the kids should've just told PC Principal about what Mr. Garrison has actually been doing. Rewritten by me and BigEngineGordon.

  • South Park - Pajama Day: Rewritten

    This is meant to be a rewrite of the S25 episode of the same name with the aim to make it more S1-4 esque. The inspiration came from when me and my dad were rewatching that episode and he said that the kids should've just told PC Principal about what Mr. Garrison has actually been doing.