At Least I Didn't Fake It

  • The Diplomat

    Hardly anyone would observe Anjali Kumar and James Potter at school and conclude that they were related in any way. Anjali was the opposite of her extraverted cousin. Well, not quite the opposite, exactly—more like his natural foil, the anti-James, so to speak. Either way, she was perhaps the very last person Sirius Black expected to fall in love with.

  • The Revolutionary

    Nobody could have guessed, just by looking at her on Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters with trepidation written in her eyes ahead of her first year, that Revati Kumar would be one of the biggest troublemakers Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had ever seen. Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Harry Potter, which is all JK Rowling's intellectual property.

  • That Rose Nonsense

    Rose Granger-Weasley just wants to make her parents glow with pride. Unfortunately, that may prove harder than she thought. Probably eventual Scorpius/Rose. (Disclaimer: I don't own anything remotely related to Harry Potter).