
  • The Vampire Prince

    Kai is the crown prince of Vampire Kingdom. Strong,Ruthless,Demonic nothing can describe the century old cruel prince. What happens when he feel some unknown feeling for a mare slave after all this time? How to deal with certain betrayal and long lasting enmity... "If you want the rainbow,you gotta put up with the rain,bro"-Tyson.

  • Everything Is Fair In Love

    A kind hearted Duke Of Nippon, Tyson decided to leave the country under someone's strict supervision in order to get rid of too many unlawful activities in his state. His best friend Kai's strict, moralistic, and unwavering in his decision-making; perfect for the job. But who will punish Kai if he breaks his own law? Who will save the unfortunate lovers of Nippon?

  • Suicide Attempt (Successful Or Not)

    Losing someone you love is always painful. It's more painful when you don't have anyone else to rely on. Any shoulder to cry on. Then how would the most friendly boy Tyson survive in such a situation? Answer is simple: He Would Not