S.T. Necro

  • Kung Fu Panda: Clouded Minds

    (Sequel to Kung Fu Panda: Fragile Hearts) An unknown enemy plunges the forbidden city into a tide of fear and hopelessness, hoping to take what they rightfully deserve. The furious five and the dragon warrior must head to the emperor's aid, facing their worst nightmares as they seek to put an end to this maniac's invasion.

  • Look Within

    From a Kooky old turtle to a lost young tiger.

  • An Ode to Freedom

    The storm. A frightening sight to many and a confirmation of a boring day to others. To one tiger, however, it is neither of those things. Instead, it is something far more beautiful.

  • Shattered Destinies

    In the midst of his maniacal genocide, Shen didn't return home expecting the warm embrace of his parents. He returned to conquer. In turn, he single-handedly twisted the threads of fate and brought about an age of darkness all across China. (An AU written in collaboration with Starless Echoes)

  • A Moment in the Moonlight

    The Valley of peace celebrates yet another mid-autumn moon festival with family, friends and lovers alike all gathered within the village square. Or at least, all but two warriors who listen on to the festivities far away, sharing one sweet moment alone. (Valentine's day one-shot)

  • Kung Fu Panda: Legacy of Darkness

    (Sequel to Kung Fu Panda: Fragile Hearts) A new enemy rises from the ashes of the old, planning to take the entirety of China in their grasp. The dragon warrior and the furious five must venture off to stop this new threat whilst the telling of an ancient prophecy introduces them to new, unexpected, allies. [My version of Kung Fu Panda 5]

  • A Heated Exchange

    After Kai's defeat, Po and Tigress have found themselves growing more intimate as the months have passed, to the point where they even realised their true feelings for each other. However, after one particularly long sparring match, the two warriors turned lovers feel something within them bubbling up to the surface.