

  • Welcome to amphibia

    When dib chases zim throughout the neighborhood the trio then stumbled to the grassy area with a tree which aim have been almost knock out of the trio discover a black and lavender portal which lead them to another dimension full of amphibians

  • nobita and washita's space heros

    nobita & washita and friends decide to make a movie inspired by the space adventures of their heroes, but their fiction turns into a reality

  • Doraemon stand by me

    Soby/sewashi and doraemon find themselves way back in time and meet noby/nobita and Nancy/nika it's up to doraemon to take care of the twins or else he well not return to the present

  • doraemon stand by me

    Soby/sewashi and doraemon find themselves way back in time and meet noby/nobita and Nancy/nika it's up to doraemon to take care of the twins or else he'll not return to the present

  • yo kai watch: Nate and the returning memories au

    fanart by sanddoodles from animo after noby's death and his deceiving friends nate Adams have experienced some strange and freaky memories that he didn't know he have despite having headaches kin and gin are planning on having revenge on nate and his past friends including his yo kai companions well they stop gin and Kin for good before they chould do anything bad?

  • memories coming back? au

    art by sand doodles from Animo it been a long time after nobi death of course nate have been successfully stopping yo kai causing trouble everyday but after that time travel adventure he began to have identity crisis when he began to have headaches and echoes Of laughter and voices that's when doraemon came to help him out to resolve nate's old life or rather.. nobi old life

  • portal falls: he's still alive au

    it been a few years since chell has defeated Wheatley he's still mourning of his grief of how sorry he is to chell despite of, being stuck with an obnoxious core who seem to love space a lot but when a wormhole made the duo go closer they're gonna experiment very weird things and meet an familiar voice which Stanford doesn't know yet until he has a lot of flashbacks

  • a very snowy birthday

    when December Comes the Warner brothers and the Warner sister of course thought they could spred some mayhem in the wintertime after being gone for 22 years time has gone by Quickly but yakko suspect something's wrong with his twin sister the Warner siblings well try to do their best to make her tiredness day goes great as long as there's not any interference of course