
  • The Blind Huntsman

    A blind boy born with silver eyes and a dream of becoming a huntsman. The impossible becomes possible, but he gets more than he bargained for. A horrible burden is placed upon his shoulders - and it is one that he must overcome or else his worst fears will become a reality. The friends he makes along the way help, but are they enough? The truth will reveal itself soon enough.

  • YBWR

    Yang, the Purple Eyed Warrior. Salem, the Headmistress of Beacon Academy. Ozpin, the King of the Grimm. The laws of what was have been reversed by a known command. The rules have changed, and some of those who were good, have now become evil. As it works in the reverse. Team RWBY has become Team YBWR. Their stories ultimately lead to the same end, but through different means.

  • Destiny Fated Black II

    Marcus Black lives on to continue on the path of redemption. With the death of Cinder and most of her allies, next comes a much bigger threat. He is an assassin, born and trained to kill from birth. Yet that all means little in the matter of Salem, the Immortal Queen of the Grimm. He bested Fate once, and he aims to do it a second time. By whatever means necessary.