The Perfect Drain

  • Blank Page

    ...was all the rage... (bookmarks and mint green and confusion and possibly one-sided hermione/harry...) (yes, i'm as surprised as you, unless you aren't surprised.)

  • Touch Is

    Gryffindor observations... and I'm kind of hating summaries at the moment. Feedback always appreciated.

  • What You Need

    ...is a map of his veins. (featuring obsessive!percy, and quite a bit of vagueness. an experiment in run-on sentences that isn't quite slash...)

  • Heard Every Word

    Oliver Wood asks Percy to go to a Quidditch match. Easier than it sounds.

  • If It Were Spring

    neville has something he's been wanting to say... (ooc, short, rated R for language) ... "if it were spring, and i killed a man -"

  • Oscillate Wildly

    Fred and George decide Percy and his girlfriend need to "loosen up," and decide to help them out a little... but they don't anticipate the consequences of their actions. (slashyness!) PART *5* ADDED.

  • Strawberry-Marigold

    neville's all tangled with blades and notions. laces and old ruined potions. (slash, angst, most likely confusing as hell. please, enjoy.)

  • Jagged Sky

    Things start to break. (angst, insanity, major ooc, slash: dean/draco) ... what more urging do you need to read it?

  • Swan

    (Click. Flash. Can you catch it?)

  • Keeping Score

    Oliver Wood thinks about the unspoken rules of Quidditch. With suggestive angst and Very Dark Things. Read author's note. 'Tis a POV vignette whatchacallit.

  • Tripping the Falling Guessings

    Draco takes a fall, loses it all... his memory, that is. Will it make him less of a jerk, or do opportunities only knock a couple times? *blink* *wink*