
  • Like Real People Do

    "Come on, Sirius. Why were you digging?", she whispered. Sirius looked her in the eye. "Tell me something, Hermione. What did you bury?" (Songfic based upon Hozier's 'Like Real People Do'.)

  • Ocean Eyes

    Those enchanting ocean eyes are going to be his undoing. He knows, just as he did in his boyhood. A songfic, based on Billie Eilish's Ocean Eyes.

  • Stay

    Wounded and hurt,Harry found himself in the Malfoy Manor. The very place he wanted to avoid. With the only person he wanted to see. Drarry fic. One shot.

  • Mudblood's Ferret

    Incidences in the lives of out favourite Mudblood and Ferret!

  • Jealous

    A songfic. Song : Jealous by Labrinth. But the Josh Daniel version is used in the fic.

  • Voldy's Gone Moldy

    Harriet Potter hated her name. It sounded too much like harlot for her comfort. So, what happens when Voldemort dares to say the banned name in her presence? Add a little natural phenomenon in the female body to it and that's it... Voldy's toast! fem!Harry

  • Nightmares

    She had her nightmares. She tried to run away from them. But with the help of her two best friends, she found that she could face them...

  • Comfort in Enemy's Arms

    Comfort can be found in the most unexpected and unusual places. All you have to do is accept it...

  • A Trial for Sirius Black

    It seems ludicrous that Dumbledore who gave a second chance to Severus Snape would deny a fair trial to Sirius Black!

  • A Trial for Sirius Black

    It seems rather ludicrous that Dumbledore, who gave a second chance to Severus Snape, would not even give a trial to Sirius Black!