
  • Lost and Found

    "What are you saying, Heimdall? Thor is where?" "I don't know, my king. Throwing Mjølnir into the Bifrost like that, it messed with the trajectory. I am searching the entire universe for him but I have no lead to go on." "Norns have mercy with my son! Thor, where are you?" – 7 times Thor was exiled for starting a war 1 time he found peace.

  • Ten Little Ninjas

    Jay is a ninja of the Hand, and he is on a mission. But first, he finds himself waking up in a morgue. Again.

  • Promise me, Ned

    Promise me, Ned. The words haunt Eddard Stark. Three times he made a promise. Three times that promise was broken.

  • Good Samaritans

    "It means that I'm not the Samaritan. That I'm not the priest or the Levite. That I am the ill intent... who set upon the traveler on a road that he should not have been on." (Wilson Fisk, Daredevil S1 E13) And sometimes, ill intent does not simply befall travelers. Sometimes, it befalls good Samaritans, too.

  • Calling the King to Heel

    The last time Vesper had seen the leader of Quantum it was all stark white walls and blinding xenon lights. No, this rusty tramp was nothing like the naked cell from their last conversation. Vesper was different this time around, too. Less desperate, millions in her grasp and no innocence left to lose.