

  • and he thought part of his heart might die with her

    Stuart scola could only remember a few times in his life that he had ever felt powerless

  • revenge will come

    Isobel was good at what she did - she put people like him away, but she never thought she'd be standing next to him in order to do that.

  • Do-Over

    OA takes a vacation, because he really needs it after everything he's going through. He doesn't go alone

  • La ultima venganza

    Vargas escape from prison and return to take revenge. Are they going to stop him before something bad happens? Are they going to catch him again this time? !SPOILERS for 4x11!

  • Stay (the night)

    Previously "5 times Maggie and OA spent the night at each other's places" but there's more than 5 chapters now so I had to change the title! Same premise though haha

  • You've been on my mind

    It's still early, but Tiffany's seen enough to decide that she's having a pretty shitty day.

  • Views

    (Chapter 1 is Tiffany/OFC, Chapter 2 is Scola/Elise, Chapter 3 is two OA/Mona drabbles, Chapter 4 is a Scola/Tiffany ficlet) Sometimes I write little things just to write them or to try to figure out a character better or to amuse myself. Those things will go here. No, there will be no central theme or main pairing. Yes, I will be making everybody queer just because I can.

  • Born to beg (for you)

    This is a love story about two people who desperately need therapy, all the things that happen while they fall in love and refuse to go to therapy, and their friends and family who have their own adventures (and try to get them to go to therapy).