Five Gundam pilots find themselves thrown into the distant future of the Post-Disaster era Mars. The pilots soon discover that this era, once again, needs their revolutionary heroism and, most importantly, their Gundams. However, Earth's military police, Gjallarhorn, rules with an iron fist. Can these righteous pilots persevere, or will Gjallarhorn forever silence their defiance?
Sacrificing his life to imbue his hopes in Itachi Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha was ready to transcend to the next life. However, his long-awaited death never comes as he finds himself thrown into Republic City, a city where darkness, greed, prejudice, love, and hope intertwine. He'll have the chance to become the city's biggest hope, or its most wanted target.
New dangers lurk when our After Colony heroes are mysteriously transported to Anno Domini. A new war will be waged, and it's up to Heero and friends and their new Gundams to protect this new world from falling into catastrophe. Battle lines will be drawn and crossed as military and political leaders plot revolution. As the world changes, the war on Gundam has just begun.