

  • Tennis and Her Mist

    She was supposed to be fighting together with her family but now she find herself standing in the midst of guys who know nothing but play tennis. Now what will Chrome Dokuro do being a shy herself? How will she fit herself in the world she never used to? KHRXPOT crossover

  • DGray-man: Pilgrim

    In the course of that 7000 years was a story untold. The body to be offered. The heart that must be protected and the souls that were bound. All will now come to light as the coming holy war unraveled the lies beneath the truth.

  • Saint Seiya: The Mirror of Memoria

    (Originally Saint Seiya: Tale of the Forgotten Music Box) It was HER promise that brought them together. No matter how many centuries may pass, the Pegasus saint will surely find his way beside his goddess as per HER wish and that was the root of the never ending cycle of the Holy War.