Janet K. Wallace

  • My Iron Tail

    There is no use to keep exhuming what is meant to come assunder. Nothing seems to last forever, except the memories and experiences brought by those who lay. Yet, a Dragoon Knight has the task and a desire to rebuild everything as it was once before, including the revenant who is tied to her by a lack of what was once his identity (Based on Katharine Frost's Persistence of Memory).

  • Crossroads

    By combining the Three Black Waltzes consciousness in one, Kuja creates a Fourth Waltz and sends him after Zidane. Feeling disconnected from the world and a purpose in life, Fratley wonders whether he should or not leave the party, while Vivi spends a time on its own, aware that he won't stay longer. Set during Disc Three.

  • The Lost Years

    The battle is over when it rains, heard Kain throught dreams and visions he had since young. Following that very voice, he will reunite the tribes and guide his people to a a land immerse on a state of eternal rain, as promised by Bahamut. A prequel of Under The Crescent Moon.

  • Under The Crescent Moon: Power, Corruption And Lies & Laughing Stock

    With the bad moon rising at the horizon, no blood is thicker than the ink belonging to a collection of stories, tails, poems of a world who revolves around the tip of the spear. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc; life goes on and on in this real life fantasy, alike the path taken by the Crescent and her ancestors, who once shared of same blood ingrained on that red coat.

  • Wake Up

    Fratley Irontail wants peace for his soul. By the next morning, Amarant Coral will be sober, or dead. A four-part story about two men, walking on the same path, destined to confront each other once again.

  • Hollow Victory

    Oneshot. All acts are followed of consequences. An act of violence keeps the system going. Freya and Beatrix, a tale of two Knights pulled to their limits.

  • Options

    Oneshot. Peter and Liz have a conversation to each other.