
  • Perfect Storm

    When Olivia goes missing, Elliot turns to an unlikely ally to bring her back home safely: Barba. Eventual EO, with Barson friendship and Stabler&Barba working together. (Heavy T/light M, rating may increase; rating for potential content, not romance.)

  • Swan's Song (the season of eyes meeting over the noise)

    The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight; or, Olivia and Elliot confront their past, and what could be their future. EO.

  • Nice Weather for Ducks

    The next time Olivia sees him, she comes for answers. EO. (WARNING: Violence and injury, chapter 4.) Now complete!

  • Talking Turkey

    Jesse's drawing, Amanda finds, is somewhat incomplete. Thanksgiving-themed Rollins/Carisi family fluff. Oneshot. Complete.

  • Wishbone

    Thanksgiving is about being with the people you love and being grateful for what you have. It's not a day about feeling sorry for what you don't have, even if you want it more than anything else. EO Thanksgiving oneshot, set sometime in 1.0. Complete.

  • Decina

    The walls between them have taken over ten years to build, but only seconds to destroy. Now, it's time to begin anew. EO. Spoilers for SVU S22/OC S1.

  • been a miner for this heart of gold

    Some mornings, he still has to pinch himself that he's lucky enough to wake up like this, curled in Amanda's too-small bed, holding her in his arms. Rollins/Carisi. Oneshot. Complete.