
  • Grow All Around Me

    Erik dreams of a forest. And one day he decides to do something about it. 1990 Y/K POTO, written for POTO Crack Week 2022.

  • perhaps i am ruined

    Meg's falling apart, and Erik wonders if any of them can be saved. Post LND canon E/M.

  • From the Dawning Spark

    A man falls in love. How can something so simple be so destructive? E/C, Erik's perspective on falling in love.

  • Plastic Love

    Erik knows that Gerard loves him. Sometimes he wishes that love was a little less determined to fix him. Modern AU Cherik, not the healthiest father son relationship.

  • Stage Directions

    Christine is a talented actress. Erik is not. In which the Point of No Return is more than he bargained for. E/C, ALW canon compliant.

  • A Winter's Ball

    The opera hosts a Christmas party every year, and it's a masquerade. This year Erik decides to attend. 1990 miniseries pre-canon, tw for parental abuse and underage drinking. Written for Timebird's POTO Advent Calendar 2021.

  • The Sound of Your Breaking Heart

    Meg and Erik, on the rooftop. She's determined to keep him from falling. Post final lair, pre E/M, suicide tw.

  • Love's Gaze

    Erik promised her a birthday wish, and even if it scares him he can deny her nothing. Even a look at his face. An unmasking, mostly fluff.

  • Adagio

    Christine's music teacher falls in love with her, and it's not what either of them expect. Reyer/Christine, ALW musical verse.