Menma's Ocarina

  • Blade of the Blizzard

    In a beating he would never forget, Naruto loses all light that once came to his eyes. Running from the village, Naruto finds himself training in the ways of both a Samurai and a shinobi. It wouldn't take long for Naruto's past demons to catch up with him. Hanyou!Naruto Ronin!Naruto Ketsuryugan!Naruto NarutoxFem!Haku

  • Born Different

    Beaten down into a pool of his blood, Naruto learns the truth of his heritage. Holding the lineage of thousands of bloodlines as well as great knowledge in Science, Naruto vows to be better than his butcher of a father, the disgraced genius, Minato Namikaze. Powerful/Smart!Naruto, NarutoxHarem.

  • The Things We Do For Family

    Years after the Forth Great Shinobi War and Hinata's untimely death, Konoha no longer meant much to Naruto, who has since inherited Jiraiya's duties as a spymaster. Now sent on a mission to a distant land to assist one of Konoha's allies, Naruto finds this new mission to be rather... Perculiar. Rated M for Violence and Strong Language.

  • My Brother and I

    His normal life being torn from him piece by piece, Hiroshi decides to go down the path of a Pokemon Trainer. With his past experience as a Pokemon Breeder, watch as Hiroshi slowly shapes his own legend. He must be careful, however, for new rivals are emerging, just as a figure from his past reappears in his life. I do not own Pokemon in any way, shape, or form.

  • Infected

    Warning: Extreme Smut inbound. Challenge from FenreldStormblade, giving up on his crush on Sakura, Naruto finds a large hole in his heart... One which could possibly be filled by the re-emergance of an old friend. Despite this... Certain chemical compounds get in his way... Some of which inflicts an infection... One no one could've possibly foreseen. Rated M for lemons.

  • Redemption of A Kitsune

    Kidnapped at birth and raised to be a living weapon, Naruto Uzumaki comes to learn of more than murder and violence, he gains friends, family, and most importantly, connections. Read on as Naruto learns to reconcile his family and find a new purpose in life. The path he eventually goes on, however, turns out to be one no one expected him to go on. More information in Author's Notes

  • Naru-ception

    Cracking the code of the multiversal theorem, a scientist-like Naruto is sucked into another world, one where the version of himself residing within it worships a religion that relishes in the punishment of the wicked. With this newfound knowledge, who knows how many possibilities there are? A large undertaking by many authors, watch as many stories from different authors collide.

  • Guardian in the Shadows

    Naruto Namikaze had his life turned completely upside down upon the birth of his younger sister, Naruko, which coincided with the death of his parents. With his only purpose now being to protect, Naruto will spend his life ensuring that Naruko remains safe, no matter how it is done. Akatsuki!Naruto, Older!Naruto, Powerful!Naruto, Smart!Naruto, NarutoxSmallHarem, BigBrother!Naruto.

  • The Foreigner and the Thief

    Stepping off of the boat was the biggest possible change in Kenzo's life. The Sinnoh native now finding himself in Kanto, watch as Kenzo begins to slowly grow accustomed to this region, falling in love in the meantime, while raising a certain Pokemon, the final gift given to him by his brother. Rated M for language and possible future lemons!