
  • Ori'vod

    Five times times Rex helped his vod'ike and five times they helped their ori'vod.

  • Child of Agriculture

    Ray Brenner had a fairly normal life, considering his... oddities. But once he turned twelve, he found he couldn't escape the world his parentage forced him into. Percy Jackson fusion. Part two of the 'Ichor in Our Veins, No Mist in Our Eyes' series, but takes place before that story.

  • Too Late

    "You fought in the Clone Wars?" A look into Obi-Wan Kenobi and the war that should've killed him.

  • The Nameless Commander

    In this new universe, Krell was already on Umbara, with his own battalion and commander. In another-more familiar-universe, Anakin and the 501st might have been very familiar with this commander.