
  • Refactor

    In another universe, building robots to fight to the "death" has become the next great form of entertainment. Conspiracy theorists claim that the highest-level robots - notably Hammond Robotics' undefeated champion, Revenant - are sentient. Programmer Tae-joon Park thinks himself above such fringe science, but when his sister investigates, they discover unprecedented corruption.

  • Eviternity

    Lifeline and Revenant face the real-world struggles of military and emergency response personnel. Along the way, they learn to understand and respect one another.

  • Digital Mortality

    Competitors in the Apex Games go through a process in which a digital copy of their consciousness is created, to be imprinted in a cloned body should they be killed in the arena. The corporation that pioneered the tech has used their inventions and influence in the lives of individuals in harmful ways, driving them to compete in the Apex Games and learn how the tech functions.

  • Scions of the Oligarchy

    As Wattson begins to realize that the Syndicate protects her only so that she can design weapons with which to oppress the citizens of the Outlands, she finds an unlikely ally.