Various short, unconnected stories about the assorted members of The Baby-Sitter's Club. Originally posted on LJ and DW. Book & Netflix-verse (but mostly book-verse)
They've had this same fight a million times before and will have it a million times again. Lumity One-Shot, Post-Canon
Even safely tucked within their homes, a sudden blizzard reminds Toronto's citizens just how cold and dark winter can be. Meiriam One-Shot
Before discovering the full extent of the comfort her friends bring her, Mei is a five-hundred pound ball of worry. One-Shot
A collection of various unconnected Hobbit movie-verse mini-fics. Current pairings: Kili/Tauriel, Thorin/Bilbo, Tauriel/Sigrid, Tauriel/Arwen, and Bilbo/Bofur
Leaving the Casita didn't change the fundamental fact that being a single father is never easy. One-Shot, Papa Bruno AU
Mirabel Madrigal needs a hug. Instead, she gets words of encouragement from an unseen figure. One-Shot
There are thousands of ghosts in Erebor. Not once did Tauriel ever imagine becoming one of them. AU
Mirabel thought leaving her family would make their lives easier. As Luisa can attest, her absence has done anything but that.
The former members of The Baby-Sitter's Club reunite to give the gifts that no one wants to receive. One-Shot