

  • Sleep, Dora

    The war ended, but the Ministry is still looking for some of the Death Eaters who'd escaped. Tonks insists on being one of the Aurors who are looking for them, but Remus knows she hasn't been sleeping well. He just wants her to sleep a little. AU, Remus and Tonks live. Remadora fluff.

  • Stop Staring

    Tonks was lying on the couch, reading her book, when she felt something weird. She felt as if she was being observed, and it could only be by one person. Remus/Tonks. Fluff. DH spoilers. K because I'm paranoid.

  • The dinner at The Burrow

    Molly has invited Remus and Tonks over for dinner. Bill revealed to them the real intentions of this get-together a bit too late. Now they can't leave. What is Molly planning?