

  • A Most UnDursleyish Dursley

    In her early youth, Susanna had been cruel and unknowing of her own strangeness. But nothing stays hidden for long, and at eight years old her life was forever changed. But with her cousin beside her, neither one would be alone. She has friends to make, adventures to experience, a boy to love, and lives to save. *Draco Malfoy/OC pairing*

  • Per Augusta ad Augusta

    Dominique Walker was well aware of the stressful and difficult nature of her career. Social workers often saw the worst of humanity. Their charges were the children caught up in the mess, innocent and vulnerable. All of her cases were sad, but none were as strange as that of little Stacey Whitehall.

  • The Ice Queen of Hawkins

    Veronica Henderson was your typical teen girl with typical teen angst. But when Will Byers disappeared, her whole life turned Upside-Down. From boyfriend drama to very bad men, monster hunting to hallucinations, Veronica's discovering just how strange the world really is. As she navigates this new reality, will the Ice Queen begin to thaw? Or is she doomed to a frozen fate?

  • Fireborn

    Jaenarys Fireborn of House Targaryen was not like her siblings. She didn't wan't to return to a home she'd never known, for she had the wild heart of an explorer. She wanted to be free. When their brother Viserys sold her twin to Khal Drogo, everything changed. She had a destiny to meet, one that would shape or destroy her. One thing was clear; people seldom got what they wanted.

  • Blazing Liberation

    After sacking Yunkai and aiding in the freeing of the city's slaves, Daenerys and Jaenarys continue on to Meereen; one hoping to rule, the other hoping to help liberate. And with the arrival of the stranger Aegor's spirit showed her, way back in the Tower of the Undying, Jae's world begins to change. Find out what happens next in the fourth installment of Fireborn.

  • Flares of Freedom

    Jaenarys and Daenerys have landed with what's left of their khalasar in Astapor, having escaped the warlocks of Qarth. Find out what happens next in the third installment of Fireborn.

  • Desert Embers

    Jaenarys and her sister have started the long journey to get Daenerys home, but they and their khalasar are surrounded by the Red Waste, with their numbers and resources falling. Will they carry on, or is all hope lost? And what will become of their newborn dragons? Find out in the second part of Fireborn.

  • The Gryffindor Snake: Year One

    Cordelia Leta Malfoy is the last black sheep of her family. The daughter of a Malfoy and a Lestrange, her parents were famous war heroes. Determined to make them proud from beyond the grave, she turns her back on tradition and befriends a know-it-all, a ginger, and the Chosen One. Together, the Golden Quartet will embark on their first adventure, unaware of what's only just begun.