

  • the boy made of stars

    ten is the age of innocence and thirteen is the age it ends. domxlysander

  • the starshine girls

    the supernova and the sun, finding their own path/ Freeverses centering on Dominique and Victoire.

  • walking disasters

    it's their special brand of beauty

  • Gummy Bear IceCream and Sad Movie Marathons

    Dominique's boyfriend just broke up with her and Victoire has the perfect way the cheer her up.

  • the kings and queens

    one day, we will be remembered. /short one-shots on the next generation in every imaginable way.

  • Talking 'Bout My Generation

    Ten little things about the Next Generation that makes them who they are. First up: Louis.

  • the meaning of perfection

    so just lie through your teeth and pretend you don't care.

  • skipping stones

    The people who made Dominique who she is. Final chapter: Scorpius Malfoy. Dom's finally healing.

  • ripple

    You're just a dreamer girl in a family full of realists. Lucy-centric freeverse.

  • rapunzel, let down your hair

    Oh, honey, he was never meant to be your prince.

  • crash

    You're a dragon girl and you've got the scars to prove it. But not all of them are on the surface, are they, darling? Angsty freeverse, DominiqueTeddy and VictoireTeddy.

  • whisper

    And it hurts, doesn't it?

  • shatter

    Because, darling, you can wish all you want, but it's not going to change anything.

  • sister, sister

    Dominique is only six, after all. Practically a baby./ Drabble in which a young Victoire hurts little Dom's feelings.

  • the cracks are showing

    "I would break you and we both know it"./ unrequited dominiquexscorpius.

  • The Constellations of Dominique Weasley

    "Sometimes I wish it was me," she said. He lied next her, like he had done so many times before, and grabbed ahold of her hand. Silence stretched between them, but he didn't dare break it. He kept his eyes straight in front of him, on the night sky, because he knew her and he knew that right now, she was trying to stop the tears dripping down her cheeks.

  • all that glitters

    It's no secret that all the Weasley girls are beautiful. They're picture perfect in every way. But what's going on in their beautiful, perfect heads? /Next Gen freeverse's.

  • stars, glitter, and all the other shiny things

    Because only all that perfection mixed and meshed and stuck together can result in something so ultimately heart-wrenching. A look into the dynamic of Victoire/Dominique/Louis.

  • the puzzle of lily luna

    All the other Weasley girls have something that sets them apart from the rest- something that makes them different. What's Lily's 'something?

  • invincible

    And you're Dominique Weasley and you're supposed to be invincible. /freeverse/