Jeffrey Dahmer

  • Apex Predator

    Violet Hopkins is dangerous. There's no other word for it. What else are you supposed to call someone who can change into a wolf and mercilessly rip a person to shreds? She doesn't mean to but whenever she transforms, Violet always ends up killing. Going into Xavier's School for the Gifted, she expected things to be different... She was wrong.

  • The Challenge

    Foxleap strongly believes that he's the best at everything he does. And after proving he's one of the fastest, strongest, and smartest cats in the Clan, he's grown cocky. So when Spiderleg comments that any she-cat would cringe when they saw him, Foxleap takes that as a challenge. A challenge to find one she-cat who likes him... This would be harder than he thought.

  • Really?

    Being on another season of Total Drama wasn't in my plans for the summer. Floating away in a yellow balloon definitely wasn't in my plans. And getting stranded on an island with no hopes of escape and the only company I have is my psycho ex-boyfriend, was NEVER supposed to happen. This just goes to show why no one should ever trust Chris McLean with anything.

  • Choices

    What if Birchfall wasn't the only kit in ThunderClan to survive the Great Journey? What if his sister, Larchkit, had survived as well? As she travels through the mountains, she develops a silly crush on a certain amber-eyed warrior but she's not the only one to develop feelings in this twisted love triangle.

  • Sognatore

    #3. All Crowpaw wanted was to be different. He got his wish. Dedicated to Poke.

  • Moments

    Life is made up of a series of moments. Moments that make us who we are and dictate our choices. Moments that can take seconds or hours. A single moment can seem like years but when it comes down to it, these moments are what define us. But the moments that truly make an impact come few and far between. These are my moments.