Magical Irish Dolphin

  • Ode to the Witch

    A continuation of The Music Box with Willie, Maggie, the ghost of Josette, and many others - Julia's quest to cure Barnabas becomes complicated with Angelique's arrival, who not only wants Barnabas to suffer, but wants to become mistress of Collinwood. But the ghosts have other ideas. Chapter 30 is up!

  • Mixed Partners

    Takes place in early season 5. As Kensi wonders where her unpredictable relationship with Deeks is heading, she takes time to remember the loss of her previous partner. Can Deeks cheer her up? One-shot.

  • The Reminiscence of Youth

    After a successful mission, Granger and Hetty discuss the team and their respective relationships. Hetty/Granger friendship with mentions of Deeks/Kensi and Eric/Nell. Humorous one-shot.