
  • Quirks 4 days

    Various one shots of Izuku living various lives with various quirks.

  • Clan Potter

    What if Bellatrix Black was Harry's mother and how could that happen? Skipping the first three years of Hogwarts and most of the fourth, will be flashbacks, slow updates, some Dumbledore and Snape bashing.

  • The odd trio

    We're not like the others. We stand out but we don't care. When we found out that The Triwizard Tournament was back and for three champions per school we knew it had to be us. What we didn't expect was what came next. Afterall. How much trouble could a Veela, a Metamorph, and a Warewolf get into?

  • Power plays

    What if the abuse hardened Harry instead of braking him. Slytherin, grey, smarter, defensive Harry. Arrogant Snape. Crazy manipulative Dumbledore.

  • Snakes and Lions

    In the game of snakes and lions 2 separate lions willingly walk with 2 separate sneaks. With different objectives, different challenges and different responses. Culminating in a different battle of the DOM.