
  • To Move a Star

    After suffering defeat a the hands of a human girl, Jareth has lost his grasp over the Labyrinth. Than, by a chance mistake, a mysterious creature falls out of the sky into his domain, carrying the only means of him to regain control of his Labyrinth. Can he persuade her to hand it over? Furthermore, what of the evil that follows this mysterious creature with horrifying intent?

  • Those Who Don't Learn From Their History

    James Sirus Potter hates Slytherin, and wonders why it even exists. He's been demonstrating his ire in the form of pranks, and discovers a book in the Headmistress's office that proves his situation with Scorpio isn't so new. Seems the Founders of Hogwarts didn't exist as harmoniously as everyone believed, but why? And what can James do that they couldn't? Rated T for safety.

  • Point of No Return

    A letter from the Phantom disturbs the happy marriage of Raoul and Christine, leaving a painful silence that starts off towards Love Never Dies. But what would have happened if they remembered that promise all those years ago?