
  • Consequences

    Snape has fought back one too many times against the Marauders, and after pushing James too far, James swears he'll take the git down the only way he knows how. A wizard's duel. Set during the beginning of the Marauders' 5th year. Rated K for British swearing and some minor injuries.

  • More Important Things

    After the events of the 2014 FIFA World Cup unfold, emotions run high and spirits low as team after team is eliminated from the competition. And though David Luiz and James Rodriguez weren't able to celebrate a World Cup victory with their teams, they obtained something even better in the process: friendship.

  • No More

    After the events of the boat explotion in "Endgame," a surviving Amon muses over where he's been, how he's gotten to this point, and where he's going next. One-shot.