

  • Welcome to the BAU, Penelope Garcia

    What's up my fine furry friends? Penelope Garcia here! If you're interested in knowing the untold story behind the start of my friendship with my Sculpted God of Chocolate Thunder, (aka Derek Morgan), look no further than this story! Click on this fic! Come on, I know you want to! Garcia out!

  • Dirty Dancing

    Going toe to toe with the worst humanity has to offer can be exhausting, which is why I'm thinking a night of R&R is in order. When me, my Baby Girl and the team head out to the nearest club to hit the dance floor, who knows what could happen?

  • The Family of Warehouse 13

    Claudia's reflection the past 5 years at the Warehouse; a description of her Warehouse "family."

  • Family Game Night

    It is me, the lovely Penelope Garcia returns once more, mortals! It was my turn to hold my team's weekly game night at my place tonight, but when I went to collect their invites, my sweet angels had forgotten and had other commitments to attend to...Never fear though! My chocolate god Derek Morgan has never bailed on me yet, and I'm pretty sure he's not going to start now...right?