Beautiful Phantom

  • come morning

    They had a few too many drinks and could no longer hide their attraction for one another. Sasuke x Kagome. Censored for FFN.

  • Kintsugi

    Incapable of letting go, he held on to her tightly and begged for all she had left to give. So she did, she gave him her scars, every shard of her broken heart, and her loyalty. Yet, that wasn't enough for him. Love, he said, he wanted her love.

  • Secretary

    She was the strictest, rule-abiding secretary in their entire headquarters, yet she had a side to her outside of a uniform and paperwork. It was something he did not expect. Disoriented and unnerved by this new side of her, William must learn that sometimes, some rules are made to be broken. (A Short Series of Vignettes) DISCONTINUED?

  • Hero

    Strength meant everything and nothing, in the eyes of madmen. With a lot to lose, it is time for all to learn what it truly meant to be a hero. After all, even a reluctant one is still a hero in the end. (A series of vignette. AU!InuYasha, semi-CU!Young Justice)

  • Troublesome

    In another universe the little boy got a she-devil instead. And he grew attached. As she would have said, "How troublesome!" (A series of vignettes. Warning, it's a dark story.)