The Jam Man

  • My Clonedolences

    A fiery young man insists on mentoring Lucina in preparation for the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Tournament, though it's mostly so she won't end up like he did. One-Shot

  • Light Show

    Despite her immense magical prowess, Lux has never been able to fully control her Finales Funkeln. This promptly leads to her making a new friend, solely because she accidentally laser-ed him in the face.

  • Talk To Myself

    Confused and vaguely creeped out by the existence of a female version of himself living within the very same mansion he now calls home, Robin takes up the noble task of consciously avoiding her. But, when she calls him out on it, Robin discovers that having someone who thinks and acts just like you is actually pretty friggen fun. Especially when getting people married is involved.

  • Group Call

    Neku has no idea what to think when he's thrust into a multi-dimensional fighting tournament for seemingly-no comprehensible reason. Fortunately, his friends have lots of helpful advice to offer. And a lot of stupid advice, too. TWEWY Codec Calls, because Neku in Smash would complete my life. It's Spoiler-free!

  • Advice

    In her glorious quest for Robin's love, Tharja consults his best friend for advice on how to win his heart.