
  • Don't Go

    Gideon and Fabian were supposed to die but Dorcas Meadowes changed their fates after hearing her mother predict their deaths. Dorcas and Gideon married in the middle of a war after Dorcas found out she was pregnant. She had two little girls during the war with little time between them. High Teen Rating. AU

  • Putting the Pieces Back Together

    The whole wizarding world came together after the First Wizarding War, The Great Wizarding War at the time. Blood status, class status, house, school nor ability mattered. Everyone was grieving. No one is completely good nor evil. In time of need it's amazing how people come together. AU. Rated Teen.

  • It Didn't Have To Be This Way

    Marcus McKinnon did everything he could to make the future better. He didn't live to see the results of his actions. The wizarding world paid for his choice to play with fate. Maybe it was better this way, maybe not. Only time will tell but for now the wounds are fresh. One-shot. Pre-story. AU