
zZ Sky Ninja Zz

  • The Ashen Saiyan

    Byleth is no ordinary woman. She has great strength, a monkey tail, and a huge appetite. All from her departed mother. She has lots of questions and no way to answer them. But after events in Remire Vilage unfold, perhaps Byleth will find her answers at Garreg Mach Monastery. Half Saiyan Byleth! Byleth and Jeralt know Ki.

  • Setting it Straight

    Contains spoilers to episode 6. Neptune was asked to the dance by Weiss but declines. The fact, is that he wants someone else. But is scared she won't like him because of the image he created of himself. With the help of a team mate. He decides to set it straight. Possible one-shot. One sided BurningOcean (NeptunexYang) Rated T. Review for this to become a series.