
  • A missed opportunity to say things

    Elsie has a date with Joe who proposes to her. What does Charles think? How and why does Elsie decide to refuse Joe's proposal again?

  • Coming to you

    sorry for the title...AU (1896 to who knows where history will take us) Charles and Elsie support each other, confront each other, seek each other out. Will they eventually find each other? Rated-T but maybe we'll get to the M

  • Missing scenes

    I didn't get my fill of love between Charles and Elsie in the film, so I took the liberty of writing it. Pure Chelsie Rated T

  • Just a bed

    The story of Elsie Hughes and Charles Carson in short chapters, from 1912 to their honeymoon (at least). Rated T for safety

  • Walking Stick

    Elsie is troubled by his husband's walking stick. Chapter two is currently posted !

  • Little boo-boo

    Mrs Hughes falls and gets hurt, fortunately Mr Carson is never far away to take care of her. Rating T for safety but it's very soft!

  • Elsie's jealousy

    A woman gets too close to Charles, and Elsie doesn't like it at all

  • Just one dance

    The servants' ball at Downton Abbey, the butler and the housekeeper look at each other from a distance, wanting but not daring to ask each other to dance.

  • Stuck with you

    Undisclosed desire, consuming passion, obsession, love, need...

  • Alcool, séduction et canapé esseulé

    Hermione se rend dans un pub moldu de Londres pour se détendre avec ses amies. Mais rien ne se passe comme prévu et le réveil est aussi brutal que douloureux.

  • Souder l'équipe

    Dumbledore décide d'envoyer ses professeurs en vacances d'été en France pour souder l'équipe enseignante.

  • OS de Noël

    Veuillez pardonner mon titre. Severus se voit obliger de porter le costume du Père Noël pour les fêtes de fin d'années à Poudlard.