
  • Infinite Incantatum:Hogwarts Mayhem

    COMPLETE What happens when a few computers go BOOM? A few ADMM fangirls end up at Hogwarts. Hogwarts will never be the same....

  • Ever After

    SPOILERS! Albus meets an interesting 11 yr old.A Tale of the values we forget, and how Harry reminds us of them. MAJOR DH SPOILERS! Do not read if you havent finished book 7!

  • All Souls

    ADMM and ADGG. Albus reflects on his past a some key events in his lifetime. slight mention of fatherly AD and HP. The only slash here is canon :

  • Last Regret

    He has one last regret. Based on something Maggie Smith said about her character. AD/GG and AD/MM it's complicated

  • Loved

    Summary: “I know he loved you..” But how did she know? No slash, just angst and a bit of fluff.

  • Retrospect

    Harry, in what would have been his seventh year at Hogwarts, finds a letter from a friend that brings him to November 1st, 1981 to help an old man with a fresh grief. AD, HP, mention of SS and Jelly Babies!

  • In Infamy

    POSTwar. Harry Potter visits a historic battleground to ask some very special people how to move past the past. Written on Pearl Harbor Day. Please no flames, this is not something you joke about.

  • Naming Day

    Harry and Ginny Potter name their first son. Sorta GinnyPOV. Features Minerva, Molly, and the Order, as well as a certain someone's ghost.

  • Letters to No One

    HBP spoilers!UPDATE ch 3!: Harry finally says what he feels.....

  • He Who Got Slapped

    somewhat of a sillyfic. Tom Riddle thinks he's hot stuff, so when he tries to flirt with a young Minerva, he expects a simple flirtandgo. Well, Minerva's got other ideas. K to be safe, but its pretty mild.

  • Moving On

    HBP SPOILER! Fifteen years after the war ends, Severus Snape meets an old allie who gives him what he needs to finally move on..NO SLASH

  • The Return

    SPOILERS for book 6! Someone comes home.

  • Afterwards

    death-warning A thirty-eight year old wizard tries to cope with a mentor's death. For Kassandra....(any flamers will suffer my terrible wrath, and thats a promise)

  • Harry Potter and the Circle of Vengence

    A kidnapping gone wrong lands Hary Potter in 1945, where Grindewald and Hitler terrorize their worlds,where Albus Dumbledore and Minerva Mcgonagall are enemies, and where a powerful magic threatens Dumbledore and Harry's destinies. Writen with Isis Malfoy

  • She Does Not Purr

    An idea that came to me from a tiny argument with Freelancer over Minerva's animagius form. Minerva doesn't purr, go nutty over catnip, or do any other common kitty things. Or does she? Xiomara Hooch wants to know! Theres a tiny pairing here...XHSS

  • Mijn Laatste Adem

    PG omwille van de dood van personages en verdriet Het gevecht om de tovenaarswereld is bijna voorbij. Één man zal het niet overleven. ADMM

  • Phoenix Diaries

    Harry,Ron,Hermione,Ginny,the Twins, and professors Dumbledore and Mcgonagall let out some of thier feelings in the short diary of the war with Voldemort. Contains some cursing.

  • Second Skin

    Sirius is dead, and Tonks, his cousin, can't look into a mirror for fear of seeing his eyes. Can someone help her deal with whats underneath her ability, her second skin?

  • From Misery Comes Unexpected Joy

    Based of an Roleplay with the wonderful Jestana. Minerva's upset and Albus is worried. With the help of an old picture and two friends, will they come together? (PAdfoort lives, bTW)

  • A Little Bit of Advice

    READ PICTURE COMPLETE FIRST! Albus is in need of advice. So he turns to the only one who can help him.