
  • I'm Still Here

    Sometimes a loss can hurt so much that no amount of time can heal that pain. So what happens when a voice from the literal past offers up a way to change things. This is based on one of my favorite movies not going to give it away.

  • What if? Kick his ass never happened

    Xander gets so much hate for The Kick his ass lie. I have read fics that have portray Xander as a jealous selfish jerk with awful motives. This is my take on what could have happened if he told Buffy the truth. This is a dark fic with out a happy ending. Reviews are welcome but I ask if you disagree with me please keep things civil.

  • Road to the Multi Verse Buffy styleOpen Challenge

    I got an idea last night. I wanted to write a Buffy Multiverse story. Don't know what the Multiverse is Google it along with Family Guy. After this chapter where Buffy and Xander end up will be completely based on where you guys send them. I will not refuse any suggestion with the exception to porn. That being said I am rating this high as a just in case. Buffy belongs to JW