Awsome Dude 94

  • Hell's Lost Property

    Think Tomoki has it rough with the angeloids? Wait until you see who his cousin has to deal with. Enter the Demonoids. God help us all...kinda...not really. Story is better then the summary

  • Soul Eater: Season 5

    This is my take on what it would have been like if the anime had continued. It's been a year since Asura was defeated once and for all. The Soul Eater crew thought it would easily sailing from there on out. They. Thought. Wrong. A Storm is coming and they better batten down the hatches.

  • Black Butler: The Devil's Hell Hound

    Start from where the anime ended. Follow Ciel phantomhive as he begins his new life as a demon. You thought his life was hard before? Try working for the Devil himself.

  • Attack on Titan: A New Age

    A new age has befallen the land. A new age for the army. A plethora of new ways to fight back against the titan menace. Thanks to Eren Jaeger and his comrades humanity now stands a better chance against the titans and there is now someththing new is begin to bloom. Hope. But with hope comes some one who will try and crush it. Will a new gang of Titan slayers be up to the challenge?