Blackquill Grainbows

  • Suicide, Safety, Salvation

    We all know how much Rem really cared for Misa, but what we didn't know is that she would travel through space and time to another dimension to ask the help of a somewhat dedicated fan (me) to try prevent Misa's suicide. It would be better though, if she didn't take me so far back that Misa hadn't even been introduced to Light yet. Rated M for normal Death Note stuff.

  • Turnabout Technology

    After a professional hacker is found dead in a public library, Apollo Justice is arrested as he was the last person known to have seen the victim before they died. Phoenix Wright takes up the case to defend his subordiante and sends Athena Cykes and Trucy Wright on a wild goose chase for the perfect piece of evidence. Slight Apollo/Phoenix. T for death (obviously).

  • God of the Turnabout

    Kira is finally caught, but like all criminals, he gets the right to a lawyer. Who does he choose? Our spiky-haired hero in blue, of course. Can Phoenix figure out the truth before he gets a serial killer the Not-Guilty verdict? Or like most people Kira encounters, is manipulated and toyed with before finally being disposed of? Rated M to be safe. Set after T&T but before AJ.

  • Justice Beyond Death

    Bobby Fulbright finds himself as a living, breathing RAT. Using this new form, will he be able to take down his killer once and for all? This is an EXPERIMENTAL FIC, so review if I should continue or not. If you enjoyed it, please review to let me know because I actually have a few chapters of this if the fic is good enough. Rated T to be safe. Set in AJ. No pairings. Obvious AU.

  • Karaoke Awkwardness

    Athena forces a group of reluctant attorneys to sing... and a few of them don't like it one bit. Have you ever wanted Simon to sing? Or Apollo and Phoenix to sing as a duet? Athena's decision is final!