
  • Witches Talk

    Lockhart is pretty, charming and without a scrap of talent. Snape is unpleasant, unappealing but has a way with spells. It's the first meeting of the duelling club and four professors and the mediwitch decide they want to witness it. And, you know, witches talk … (This is not about the duel itself, only about the witches' discussion about it.)

  • Year of Full Moons

    There are few things that Severus Snape fears more than werewolves. Having been bitten by one, however, he has to cope not only with painful transformations but also with keeping in Voldemorts good graces, teaching occlumency to an unwilling student and enduring Dolores Umbridge. Takes place in 1996.

  • Merry Sue's Misadventures

    Sue Miller is a rather unremarkable witch, but she does have fun at Hogwarts. This is a series of short pieces involving her and will be updated whenever I have time and ideas to spare.

  • The Princess and the Frog

    How would Severus Snape's story sound as a fairy tale? Features: princess Lily, Severus the frog and Voldmort the wolf.