
  • Draughts

    Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa. Only yesterday they were sisters, unconscious of time and fate.

  • Number 26

    "Witch-Burning in the Fourteenth Century Was Completely Pointless - discuss." Somewhere in Europe, sometime during the 14th century, a witch is on a mission as far from pointless as one can get. Wendelin the Wyrd, before she is remembered as a footnote.

  • Persevering Quiet

    Who is this manchild, she thinks, with the brilliant hair and the small nose just like my daughter's? What is he doing here with me? ...Andromeda had always been too perceptive.

  • Hooch Through The Ages

    Rolanda Hooch: A series of snapshots that finally bring more insight into this neglected Qudditch maniac and instructor. Please excuse the cheesy title, though I'm secretly quite proud of it.

  • This Cat, At Least

    Argus Filch gets a present from a 'crush' and shows his softer side...! The arrival of Mrs. Norris into his drab lonely life.

  • Cats Eat Mice

    An encounter between a cat and a mouse. Did I say the mouse was Dawlish, the auror? Doesn't his name sound familiar?

  • Her Love

    A lonely professer paints, and finds the courage to confront the woman he has long loved. Betcha didn't know he had an artistic side!