
  • Dangerous

    Neville's worried about Luna

  • Haunted

    Fifteen year old Rose just wanted to go to a party... but when a random stranger meets her in an alleyway, apparates her to a place unknown, has his way with her and then leaves her there, her night ends differently than she had imagined. slight romance. some people seemed confused as to that, its because near the end with scorpius, and she regretting what she never told him. :\

  • Whispered Secrets

    A secret past, a secret agenda, and secret tech...with two people falling in love in the middle of it.

  • Firecracker gone wrong

    James and Fred II pulled a prank, much like Fred and George back in the day. problem is, did this go too far? this mishap is forcing Scorpius to confront his feelings for Rose, before he no longer can.